quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2010

Lady Gaga cantará música em português

Lady Gaga quer agradar aos fãs de todo o mundo! Segundo Ralph Simon, seu assessor, a cantora irá gravar músicas em diversas línguas para seu próximo álbum, o Born this Way, que sairá em maio de 2011.
Em entrevista a uma agência internacional de notícias, Ralph expressou a vontade da intérprete de Bad Romance em cantar suas canções em outros idiomas, inclusive o português.
- Ela fará isso em mandarim, espanhol, português e hindu, e eu quero que ela grave uma versão em russo.

Fonte: R7

2 comentários:

  1. Gaga you're a bad girl very very very bad GAGA!

    Lady Gaga
    I'ma big fan of yours, but not like your new song!

  2. You want to call attention of people who feel different and take the weak point of them.
    Win fans with his Art, Original or No. But do not try to fool people with the song "Born This Way"which is a COPY OF MADONNA "EXPRESS YOUESELF"
    How He uses a form of manifesto against prejudice.
    Maybe it's time for the LGBT audience open their eyes and see if there really someone fighting for our right and not try to show that somo different beings. We do not have that shows we are better or worse, we must show that somo humans who have feelings, the ability to love someone of the same sex, and the right to choose what is good for us to harm or hurt anyone. And my RACE, COLOR MY, OR MY RELIGION. Not better nor worse than others, we must respect differences.

    Perhaps then we will achieve a better world!

    The music turns all people, and art never dies, it is renewed!



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